Current version and product timeline

At InterWay, we strive to bring our customers the most up-to-date IT products. That's why we make it a tradition that with each new year comes a new generation of WebJET - with new updates, functionalities, a more extended environment, higher capacity and speed of interaction with the system.

Current version WebJET End of life of current version
(the date when the option to purchase a license ends)
End of validity of standard technical support
(ŠTP) to the current version
(ŠTP is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase)
2025 31. december 2025 31. december 2026
Explanation and example

The current version can only be purchased until the date indicated in the table in the second column (end of life).
This date also indicates that a new generation of the product (upgrade) was released in that month. After this date, it will be possible to purchase only the latest generation of the product.

The purchase of each version of the product is automatically linked to the purchase of standard technical support (ŠTP). This guarantees you the right to year-round updates and transitions to a new generation of the product (upgrade).

The STP is still valid for a period of 12 months after the end of the sale of the given version of the product (after the end of the useful life of the given version). This means that if you buy a version any day before the end of its life, you are guaranteed a license for that version for the whole following year.

So we can support one version of the product for two whole years, as long as you receive it right away in the month in which it was released.

Without a VAT number for the first 12 months, the product cannot be purchased.


Version 1.0 can be purchased from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 → support for it is valid until December 31, 2016.

During this year, updates marked 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 to 1.n.

On February 8, 2015, you decide to purchase the most up-to-date version of WebJET (for example, 1.7) together with the corresponding mandatory ŠTP for 12 months, i.e. until February 8, 2016. Until this day, the version with all updates will be supported as part of the paid VAT according to the General Terms and Conditions (GTC), respectively. according to the Contract for the Work (if such was drawn up).

However, you must decide what to do next by February 7, 2016, because after the expiration of the annual STP, if it is not extended, you will lose the right to apply for system updates or upgrades (updates and transitions to a new generation).

So you will have the following 3 options:

Extension of ŠTP. Let's assume that during January 2016 you requested an upgrade to the new generation 2.0, which you were entitled to according to the valid ŠTP. One month before the end of its validity, we will send you an advance invoice to cover the amount of the annual VAT for the next 12 months according to our currently valid price list. By paying this advance invoice, you will extend your STP with us for another 12 months and you will continue your voyage on a ship with a fully functioning and ready crew, and everything will be valid for you as before.
Continuation of the version without STP. As we mentioned above, one month before the expiry of the ŠTP, we will send you an advance invoice to cover the fee for the ŠTP for the next 12 months. However, you can decide not to pay this invoice. So you will continue with the version you currently have, without extending the ŠTP - but more:

- you will not have a supported version of the product,
- you will not have the right to request an update or transition to a new generation,
- you will not have a guarantee of the correct functioning of the system, as long as it is subject to an update and you do not have it

In the event that, after 2 months or even years of operation without ŠTP, you decide to purchase it again for the next period and simply request a system upgrade, this will only be possible with a mandatory surcharge of 1.5 times the amount for unpaid years ( possibly months or days - it depends on how long you will be operating without a social security system).
Termination of cooperation. If you decide to leave the used WebJET product as you no longer want it. Unfortunately, our cooperation will end. However, this option is the least likely to be chosen by customers, because once you take your boat on a cruise, you're not going to sink it yourself somewhere in the middle of the sea, only to have to swim ashore and go buy a new one to set sail. at sea again.
The version and date data in this example are only illustrative, for better understanding - they are not actually valid.


Previous versions supported at the same time


Previous version od WebJET End of life version
(the date when the option to purchase a license ends)
End of validity of the STP for the given version
(12 months from purchase)
2024 31. december 2024 31. december 2025
Explanation and example

This table provides an overview of the currently supported versions of WebJET. It is no longer possible to purchase them by themselves, but the STP for them continues to be provided until the date indicated in the 3rd column of this table.

During the year, it is therefore possible to purchase only the most up-to-date version of the given product listed in the first table. Support for it is tied to the entire next 12 months after purchase.

On December 28, 2015, 3 days before the end of life of the product version, your company decided to purchase WebJET 1.19. Subsequently, on January 1, 2016, a new generation of the WebJET 2.0 product was released. You don't have to worry about any additional fees for using a generation downgrade - this version of WebJET 1.19 that you have purchased remains simultaneously supported for another 12 months, until December 28, 2016.

After this date, however, it will no longer be possible to extend your STP for the given version of the product, so you have several options:

Transition to a new generation. At any time during 2016, you have the right to upgrade the system to a new generation within the framework of the valid ŠTP, which you can use even with support until 28.12.2016, as long as the ŠTP pays you.

Continuation without ŠTP. If you have not made any updates to the system for the whole year and you are still using the version you originally purchased - WebJET 1.19 - you can continue using this version, but you no longer have the right to update or upgrade the system and we do not guarantee its 100 % functionality, nor its applications, since they did not pass the necessary update that we support for the given year.

In the event that, after 2 months or even years of operation without ŠTP, you decide to purchase it again for the next period and simply request a system upgrade, this will only be possible with a mandatory surcharge of 1.5 times the amount for unpaid years ( possibly months or days - it depends on how long you will be operating without a social security system).
Termination of cooperation. If you decide to leave the used WebJET product as you no longer want it. Unfortunately, our cooperation will end. However, this option is the least likely to be chosen by customers, because once you take your boat on a cruise, you're not going to sink it yourself somewhere in the middle of the sea, only to have to swim ashore and go buy a new one to set sail. at sea again.


Product timeline

The lifetime of WebJET products consists of three phases:

  1. putting the product on sale in January of each year,
  2. the end of the product's useful life no later than the end of January of the first year after its introduction to the market,
  3. end of product support no later than the end of January of the second year after its launch,

This period is shown in the figure below in a single segment representing two consecutive calendar years

Possibility to buy a version 8
  Possibility to buy a version 8    

WebJET 8



January 2020

January 2021

January 2022

Possibility to buy a version 2021
  Possibility to buy a version 2021    

WebJET 2021



January 2021

January 2022

January 2023

Possibility to buy a version 2022
  Possibility to buy a version 2022    

WebJET 2022



January 2022

January 2023

January 2024

  • EOL (end of life) 
  • EOS (end of support) 
The given data are illustrative to facilitate the idea of product life.

The first purchase of the current version of the product is automatically linked to the purchase of standard technical support (ŠTP), which is valid for the next 12 months. System updates are included in the price of this support, as well as transitions (upgrades) to a new generation of the product. After this period, the support can be extended for another 12 months. If it is not extended, the customer loses the right to apply for further updates and upgrades.

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