Benefits of WebJET NET

WebJET NET - práca personálneho oddelenia nikdy nebola jednoduchšia

The work of Personnal department has never been easier.  

Intranet simplifies administrative processes and provides a comprehensive overview of the company's employees. 

  • Onboarding of new employees
  • Payroll department reports
  • Organizational structure
  • Quick contact search
  • Employee arrivals, departures and absences
  • Operational policies and benefits
WebJET NET - súkromná sociálna sieť

Private social network

Improves workplace communication and strengthens company culture. 

  • Company dashboard similar to Facebook
  • List of logged-in colleagues
  • Discussion forum, photo albums, surveys
  • Personal storage space for each user
  • Request forms with approval prosecess


WebJET NET - výhody intranetu pre manažment a vedenie

Leadership and management

Reduces operating costs and establishes order in company processes 

  • Management of documents and internal policy
  • Tracking employees' working hours
  • Reports based on current needs
  • Asset menegement

Functions of WebJET NET

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